Securitization and Corporate Investment

by | Dec 18, 2018 | News

As 2018 came to a close, so did two significant capital events for Greenworks Lending.  In sequence the firm announced that CarVal Investors committed $250 million to fund large scale projects and provided a $40 million corporate investment to Greenworks Lending.  Next, the firm announced the closing of its second rated securitization of C-PACE assets. The securitization arranged by Guggenheim Securities with Nuveen Private Markets (an affiliate of TIAA) as the lead investor, will net proceeds of $150 million.

For additional information each of these transactions, full press releases and recent news coverage are linked below:

Pictured above: Jerry Keefe, principal at CarVal Investors with Genevieve Sherman, Congressman Jim Himes, Ali Cooley and Jessica Bailey at a recent event held at Greenworks Lending’s headquarters in Darien, CT.