Mike’s Famous Harley Davidson

Automotive Retail: Solar with Roof Repair

Working with Nuveen Green Capital and Ross Solar Group, Mike’s Famous Harley Davidson, in New London, Connecticut, utilized C-PACE to convert the historic Coca-Cola bottling factory into a world class Harley Davidson retail center. The 156kW roof mounted solar array covers 100% of Mike’s Famous’ electrical needs and compliments the dealerships additional energy saving retrofits to improve the facility’s environmental impact while lowering operating costs.

Property Summary

Mike’s Famous Harley Davidson is a 55,000 sq. ft. motorcycle dealership in New London, CT. The dealership moved from a smaller facility this former Coca-Cola bottling facility and within two short years invested in needed roofing repairs and a roof-mounted solar system to reduce operational expenses.


Ross Solar has been serving commercial clients throughout Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts for more than a decade. Their team has extensive experience developing custom-designed rooftop and ground-mounted solar power systems for a variety of businesses, including retail, manufacturing, warehousing, and office complexes.

Year One Savings ($)

Lifetime Savings ($)

156 kW Solar Array

"Going green was a priority and in line with our business and community philosophies.”

– Mike Schwartz, Owner, Mike’s Famous Harley Davidson, New London CT