The Lewtan Building

Mixed Use: multifamily and retail redevelopment

The Lewtan Building is a landmark in Connecticut’s State capital of Hartford. Previously an office space for a variety of financial services firms, the property had been vacant for the past five years despite an its central location. Soon, its broken windows and empty spaces will be filled with 28 one and two bedroom apartments as well as a new ground floor retail convenience store.  The owner-developer, committed to revitalizing the downtown property, is in his words “positioning the building on the right track for the future,” by incorporating energy efficient (historic replica) replacement windows, high efficiency HVAC, LED lighting, insulation and a 60kW solar array into the re-development via C-PACE financing and Greenworks Lending.  Beyond C-PACE financing for energy improvements, the overall project benefits from additional low-cost funding through the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA). Projects such as this are recommended for exploration with Greenworks Lending by both the Connecticut Main Street Center and Main Street America.

Property Summary

Centrally located in downtown Hartford, CT between the XL Center, Hartford’s Union Train Station and next to State Capitol Park, the Lewtan Building is a five-story office building originally constructed in 1860. The property sat vacant for five years prior to acquisition by its current owner who is dedicated to revitalizing the downtown landmark by converting the offices to 28 apartment units and bringing retail back to the ground floor.


Earthlight Technologies based in Ellington, CT and Bluebird Construction of Vernon, CT are the lead energy contractors for the building.  Notably, Earthlight was recognized by the CT Green Bank in March of 2018 when it was named a PACEsetter Award recipient for integrating the solar portion of the project with the owner’s efficiency goals. The award acknowledges contractors, building owners and other stakeholders who advance clean energy through the C-PACE financed projects.

"I want to position the building on the right track for the future. C-PACE financing an important part of the plan."

– Constantinos Constantinou

60 kW solar array

C-PACE financing complimented CRDA funding for housing redevelopment

Year One Savings ($)

Lifetime Savings ($)