Bright Horizons

Education Center: HVAC and Solar

Property owner Don Gary recognized the ability to provide his tenant, Bright Horizons Child Care and Early Education Center in Stamford CT, with the building infrastructure they needed to operate at maximum efficiency for years to come.  The 20-year old building was converted into, in his words, “a self sustaining entity” by complementing the installation of a 100kW solar array with new HVAC including Mitsubishi air sourced heat pump technologies and an ERV (energy recovery ventilator). The result: teachers and students enjoy room-by-room comfort while Gary has reduced operating expenses and increased the property value.

Property Summary

The property at 778 Long Ridge Rd in Stamford consists of a single long-term tenant with the variable occupant needs typical of an educational center, i.e. large play and dining areas and distinct classroom settings. The building totals 10,140 sq. ft and was originally constructed in 1996 for the present tenant.


Ross Solar Group and Celco Heating and Air Conditioning combined efforts to replace end-of-life HVAC systems with efficienct technologies and solar.

Year One Savings ($)

Lifetime Savings ($)

New HVAC and building controls enhanced tenant comfort

"As long as we wanted to replace things, we wanted to do it with the best equipment."

– Don Gary, Property Owner

"We found that the equipment originally used was oversized and inefficient."

– David Elovecky, Regional Operations Manager, Celco Heating & AC

100 kW solar array