Comfort INN, Gaithersburg

Hotel and Office Building: HVAC & Efficiency

The Comfort INN is a seven story hotel with 127 guest rooms as well as many public service areas. The owner increased comfort and lowered operating expenses via several measures including a roof replacement, LED lighting retrofit, and new gas boilers to replace electric boilers in the professional building. The hotel benefitted from new HVAC, insulation and air sealing. Beyond energy savings, the hotel received Choice Hotel’s highest level certification for sustainability, while the contractor, Recurrent LLC received the Bethesda Green “Innovation Award” based on the improvements.

Property Summary

The property at 16220 Frederick Road consists of both a Comfort Inn and separate five story professional building with medical offices and retail. The seven story hotel, originally built in 1980, features 127 guest rooms as well as many public service areas.


Recurrent LLC is a Rockville Maryland based C-PACE program contractor who has completed hundreds of projects since its founding in 2013. Recurrent worked diligently with Nuveen Green Capital to become the first contractor to complete this – the first – C-PACE financed project in the State of Maryland .

"This project allows us to materially improve our building's comfort."

– Bob Eisinger, Managing Partner of Rock Grove Associates LTD Partnership (Property Owner)

"Choice Hotels named us as their highest level green certified property."

– Vira Safai, Managing Partner of the Comfort INN of Gaithersburg MD

Year One Savings ($)

Lifetime Savings ($)