Carpin Manufacturing

Manufacturing: Solar Array with Roof Replacement

Owner Ralph Carpinella wanted to turn his roof from a cost center into a profit center. Needing to replace his roof, he took the opportunity to upgrade to a solar system. The 329 kW roof-mounted system was built in 8 days, but his energy bills will be dramatically lowered and his building be profitable well into the future.

Property Summary

411 Austin Road is a single story, light industrial building owned by Carpin Manufacturing, Inc., an office and school furniture manufacturer and distributor. Carpin Manufacturing is the sole occupant of the property.


Green Earth Energy PhotoVoltaic LLC is a C-PACE program contractor who has completed a number of projects with Nuveen Green Capital and the C-PACE program.

329 kW Solar Array

15-year ZREC contract

Year One Savings ($)

Lifetime Savings ($)