224-226 South Market Street


The property owner is utilizing $282,500 in C-PACE financing from Nuveen  to retrofit the property with several energy efficient upgrades including HVAC, electrical, and envelope measures.

Property Summary

224-226 S. Market Street in Troy, OH consists of two mixed-use buildings, one which was originally built in 1928, and another newer building that was built in 1982. The historic 1928 building was home to the Troy Daily News for many years.

“As small business owners looking to revitalize an iconing architectural building in our hometown, C-PACE financing allowed us to breathe new life into a historic building as well as providing new office space for growing businesses, future tenent spaces, and a one-of-a-kind residential experience.”

– Erin & Mike Twiss, Owners

C-PACE Financing ($)

Estimated Annual Cost Savings ($)